Lisa and Hugh Chaney makes their first Theift.


Late Summer Hugh and Lisa Chaney get arrested, sent to the dungeon of Malbourgh Castle, and convicted to death.

Early Autumn Shirley Evens gets Hugh and Lisa Chaney out of prison.

Autumn Equinox Tami Witt have Hugh and Lisa Chaney branded with hot iron as her property.

Shirley goes back to Rooster Claw to steal animal speech potion from Witch Vicky with Hugh and Lisa Chaney

Late Autumn Lisa Chaney flirts with Keith Valdor

Hugh and Lisa end up at the dungeon of Wondon Castle


Shirley Read gets caught by Witchy Vicky together with Lisa Chaney. Shirley gets away again.

Midummer Witchy Vicky releases Hugh and Lisa Chaney and the starts returning to Malbourgh with the antidote.

Hugh and Lisa are caught stealing food at Nooxy by Clive Curry and without any interrogation, they are placed at Grossbourgh Dungeon.

Late Summer Toby Dade takes possession over Lisa Chaney by branding her at her forehead. Lisa is praude of her scar.

Autumn Equinox To make a cover for his mission, Toby Dade takes Lisa Chaney, his sister, Kristina Dade, and Susanne Lake with him, so Kristina and Susanne can enlist at the ballet at The Royal Theatre at Kingston.

Lisa Chaney visits her mother.

Late Autumn At arrival of Kingston, Lisa Chaney’s locked inside the chest, and Toby have Kristina Dade and Susanne Lake carry the chest for him. They booked two rooms at The Star at the harbour. One for Toby and the chest and one for the girls.

Andrew Chetzer starts banging Lisa Chaney, and when Dolly Houston finds out, she will have nothing to do with him any more.

Toby Dade and Lisa Chaney gets arrested and ends up at the dungeon of The Kings Castle

Early Winter Lisa Chaney is playing the mainparty in The Savage Woman At The Forest, and Toby Dade and Lisa Chaney are trying to kidnap Princess Donna.